
Thursday, December 30, 2004

ATOM vs. RSS - the Syndication dilemma 

My blog is powered by Blogger. Blogger syndicates as an ATOM feed. My syndication reader is Opera reads only RSS. A quick google search gives me this great tool to create an RSS feed from an ATOM feed. I haven't found the downside yet, but it sure makes my life simple!
Thank you Antonio Cavedoni.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Found it 

A while back I was looking, admittedly not too hard, for an individual's perspective from Iraq. I happened upon this blog. I will follow it eagerly.

Some odd thoughts that occur:


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

How long will this one take me? 

Mitch pointed out a great mindset to adopt. It comes from a Jeffrey Gitomer article.
How long will it take me to internalize "While failure itself is real, the fear of it is a condition of the mind"?

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Top 20 things to learn by the end of high school 

In his blog Seth Godin listed 20 things that a third grader should learn by the end of high school. I had to read the list three times before I believed that networking was not on the list. I will give benefit of doubt and chalk it up to oversight.

Coincidentally, I was talking with my wife today on a similar topic. We are starting to look at elementary schools to send our 3 year old son to in September 2006. How do you start? After racing to an open house this afternoon, we decided that we would list the key factors we felt were important and rank them, then evaluate the different options on these factors. Easy enough... what are the factors? I have come up with a few (in no particular order)

- Cultivating imagination
- Functional billingualism (important here in Quebec)
- Strong academic development
- Jewish education

What other factors are relevant? Stay tuned, I will update you on the ranking.


An Important Appeal - Fighting Cancer Inch by Inch 

My sister-in-law, Freddie, is doing something AWESOME. For quite some time now, she has been growing her hair out so that she can donate 10 inches to make a wig for someone fighting cancer.

If you know me, you know this is something that I am incapable of. If you don't, well let's say that my son was born with more hair on his head than I have.

Please read the touching letter that Freddie has written. Freddie is dedicating her effort to her friend Ricki. I was acquainted with Ricki through my brother and sister-in-law. My stomach sinks every time I think of what Ricki and her family went through.

Because you can, please consider giving. Hair, money or time.

To donate hair the Canadian Cancer Society has some options.

To donate money online - indicate "In honour of Inch by Inch" or use the form included with Freddie's letter.

If you are unable do either of the above please take the time to forward this request. You can find a copy of this message to forward on my blog.

Thank you.


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Just too funny not to spread around
Happy Chanukah!

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